Raspberry Hat & Green Leafy Mittens

I love this pattern! The hat is from Crochetmilie on Etsy and done in a two-row repetition of single crochets and bobble stitches. Super simple and looks amazing when done.

The first time I saw this pattern I knew exactly how I’d display the hats in our next farmer’s market. A basket of raspberries. 🙂


The bobble stitch might make this pattern a confident beginner pattern choice, but if you mastered the technique of a good single crochet (the right tension, etc.), the bobble stitch will work well for you.

The green leaf mittens is a pattern I put together myself; I should probably do a quick tutorial on it. Let me know if that’s something you’d like. It has a ribbed cuff at the wrist and is thumbless – perfect for babies!


If you’d like to purchase the finished product (the hat and matching mittens), it’s up on my Peanut Butter Jelliez Etsy site. Use the code WORDPRESS to get a 20% discount.