Customize Your Sneakers

I’ve been want to try this for a loooong time.

So when when Facebook group Sky Love Creations* offered up a “Shoe a Thon” in June, I was all over it.

Prior to the start date, a list of 18 supply items was posted, but I was pleased to discover that I had everything in my craft stash. It included items like shoes (they supply the foundation and Sky Love Creations recommends old Converse Chuck Taylors, fusible fleece, DecorBond (I’m subbing Pellon craftfuse 808), fabric fo(available at most fabric shops), grommets (you’ll also need a grommet tool), basic sewing supplies (machine, needles, seam ripper, thread, bias tape), washable glue stick, fabric glue, rubber cement, a utility knife, an old scissors, acetone nail polish remover, bristle brush, disposable aluminum pan.

It’s a long list, but I suspect most crafters have much of it on-hand.

Join me tomorrow for Step 1 of the process.

*Skye Love Creations – Sky Love Creations is an online custom fabric shop with some brilliantly awesome fabric choices.